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100% Colombia


You like it as dark as dark can be...and then a little darker. You like to eat the healthiest form of chocolate.

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Dairy Free

Nut Free

Gluten Free

Soy Free

Key Ingredients

Tumaco, Colombia

On the southern pacific coast of Colombia, Tumaco is a region that has been hard hit by historic political conflict and plagued by narco trafficking. The predominantly Afro-Colombian population has faced a great deal of prejudice and sustainable local development has been hijacked by extensive penetration of paramilitary and narco groups. When Cacao de Colombia first explored the region back in 2011, they found cacao everywhere; drying on any flat surface farmers could find, including the road.
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Cacao Nibs

Roasted Colombia nibs are sprinkled into the back of the bar to give a satisfying, cocoa crunch.


Our chocolate is made without the use of additional flavor additives or emulsifiers, such as vanilla or soy lecithin. We like to stay true to the unique flavor of each cacao origin.